Partner Spotlight: Smooth Transitions Mid-Ohio

For our October spotlight, we had the opportunity to speak with Jessie Hoenig, Sales and Development Lead for Smooth Transitions Mid-Ohio about their process and how they can help with downsizing and decluttering.

Smooth Transitions is a national organization with 40 locations across the country with 2 Central Ohio locations: The Mid-Ohio location, servicing downtown Columbus, Dublin, Powell, Delaware, Newark and their partner location, Central Ohio – servicing Gahanna, New Albany and Westerville.

Smooth Transitions offers full service downsizing and decluttering plans with a very thorough process in attention to detail and care as they know this process can be hard. Jessie was able to share with us the outline of their process:

  1. Floor Plan: Smooth Transitions works alongside you to design a new floor plan so that your favorite furniture fits comfortably in your new home.
  2. Sort: The team will help you go through everything – keeping a close eye out for items that may be overlooked. They document how your home looks with photos and will make sure the set up is exactly how you like it. Trust the process – they are there to help!
  3. Pack and Move: Everything will get packed, moved into the new space, unboxed and put away.
  4. Estate Dispersal: Smooth Transitions can also help families sort through items and assist with auctions, tag sales, consignment, donations and charitable organizations.
  5. They will also assist in making sure sensitive documents have been properly disposed of.

If you are thinking about downsizing – start small, and start now! Begin with decluttering a single “junk drawer,” and work your way up through the lesser-used parts of the home, such as: the linen closet, guest bathroom, or spare bedrooms. Rather than focusing on what you’re letting go of, focus on the items that you love and bring you joy!

To get more information or set up a FREE consultation, reach out to Jessie at 614-384-6597 or feel free to connect with us – we are here to help!

Ryan Reynolds Team, LLC : Unlimited Opportunities, Exceptional Experiences-

(614) 726-6971

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